Wandering through life with an overwhelming inner turmoil and unstoppable curiosity, the beneath- the- surface- mood takes a central place in the explorations of nature’s dark side and personal obsessions.
Photography: Katlijn Blanchaert

Katlijn Blanchaert: “Delving down into the subconscious, beyond the daily context, with an affinity for dark settings and odd atmospheres I find myself visiting places I would otherwise never go to, meeting people I would otherwise never meet.”

The inspiration for Sauvage was a theory of Carl Jung.

“Everyone carries a shadow,” Jung wrote, “and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.” It may be (in part) one’s link to more primitive animal instincts, which are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind.

Blanchaert searched the internet for people who were willing to pose for her.

“During these brief encounters with anonymous individuals in raunchy hotel rooms intense conversations evolved and hidden emotions appeared.  I observed with awe and respect how people showed their vulnerability. With this project I want to submerge the viewer in the existence of an intimate world of unusual desires and characters.”

“Combining  black and white with colour photos gives the possibility to go further, to go  where the real and surreal merge.”